Value voucher
Offer a gift voucher valid at Baumanière les Baux-de-Provence.
This gift voucher is valid for any service at the hotel, restaurants, spa or shop of Baumanière les Baux-de-Provence and can be used in one go.
The value of the voucher cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
In the event that the amount of the service exceeds the value of the voucher, it must be completed by another means of payment. However, if the amount of the service is less than the amount on the voucher, the establishment will not refund the difference.
Reservations are required for hotel, restaurant and spa services. This voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
This gift voucher is valid for any service at the hotel, restaurants, spa or shop of Baumanière les Baux-de-Provence and can be used in one go.
The value of the voucher cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
In the event that the amount of the service exceeds the value of the voucher, it must be completed by another means of payment. However, if the amount of the service is less than the amount on the voucher, the establishment will not refund the difference.
Reservations are required for hotel, restaurant and spa services. This voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.